Posters are commonly used in the academic community and maybe included in many conferences. A Research posters allow information fund to be presented in a summarised visual form and will facilitates discussion. Poster generally contain text, tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. At conference a researcher will stands beside the poster display enable others to come to view and discuss and interact with the author/co-author.
Please find below posters rCITI's researchers presented a recent conferences:-
- 2023
Bostanara, M., Hossein Rashidi, T., khan, N. A., Auld, J., Ghasri, M., & Grazian, C. (2023, January 8). Interdependencies of Home and Work Relocation Durations. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2023 TRB Annual Meeting - Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C..
Bostanara, M., Siripanich, A., & Hossein Rashidi, T. (2023, September 26). A Realistic Framework for Modelling Residential Relocation Behaviour Considering Past, Present, and Future Using DDCM: A Sydney Case Study. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2023 HILDA Survey Research Conference.
- 2022
- 2021