ARC Linkage Project Outcomes for funding commencing in 2015 (LP15)
On the 7 July 2015 The Minister for Education and Training, the Hon. Christopher Pyne MP, has announced 252 new research grants were awarded under the Linkage Projects commencing in 2015 (LP15).
A total of $86.9 million has been awarded in this 2015 round. rCITI's researchers Dr Vinayak Dixit, Dr Taha Hossein Rashidi and Prof S. Travis Waller, with Oz Harverst Mr Gopi Krishnan were awarded funding of $152,436.00 for their project with Oz Harvest. This project aims to develop an innovative holistic mathematical model of the vehicle routing problem for a charity-based food rescue and distribution system. Such a model would aim to maximise societal benefits while constraining costs, and would need to take into account the demand profile for donors and receivers, and the equitable distribution of food. The model developed is designed to mathematically represent the system in a consistent framework so as to develop optimisation models and techniques. The project also seeks to understand the factors that influence the demand to donate to food rescue by organisations and individuals and the demand to request food by welfare agencies.
Congratulations to our wonderful researchers - Dr Vinayak Dixit, Dr Taha Hossein Rashidi and Prof S. Travis Waller for your success.