CAITR 2016 - UNSW winners

The Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR) held 11-12 February 2016 and hosted by Queensland University of Technology represents a forum for transport researchers and professionals to present and discuss their work with peers and colleagues in a supportive, informal and friendly environment and to be part of a network of expertise.  CAITR is a conference which draws participants from around Australia and is particularly valuable to PhDs, Masters and undergraduates research students, as well as recently qualified researchers. This conference provides an opportunity to present work in progress, to receive constructive feedback and improve presentation skills. 


The winners from UNSW were:

  • Safety Research Paper - Tony Ly, “A combined framework for modelling non-secondary and secondary crashes”. Prize money $250, sponsored by National Truck Accident Research Centre.
  • Best Innovation Paper - Amarin Siripanich, “Agent-based modelling of residential mobility in Metropolitan Sydney”. Prize money $300, sponsored by Chartered Institute of Logistic and Transport Association.
  • Presentation Commendation - Jonathan Chan, “Dynamic Traffic Assignment Modelling and Evaluation: A Case Study for the Sydney Region.” Prize: One year membership to the Chartered Institute of Logistic and Transport Association.
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