Congratulations to Professor Vinayak Dixit

Congratulations to Professor Vinayak Dixit, the newly appointed IAG Chair of Risk in Smart Cities.

This Chair position was established with the generous support of IAG (Insurance Australia Group). Mr James Orchard (Executive General Manager Innovation)
and Ms Cecilia Warren (Director, Research & Development) from IAG emphasised the fruitful research relationship with UNSW which has developed over the past almost three years and were delighted to see their Academic Outreach program result in another milestone with the establishment of an inaugural Chair position at UNSW.

Mr Jon Paparsenos (Vice-President Philanthropy Alumni, Engagement & Development), Professor Mark Hoffman (Dean, UNSW Engineering) and Professor Dixit expressed their gratitude to IAG at the signing ceremony for IAG’s important support and step to advance research in the field of risk in smart cities.

Image: November 2019.         
Back (L-R) Prof Mark Hoffman, Mr Jon Paparsenos,
Front (L-R) Prof Vinayak Dixit, Mr James Orchard (IAG),
Ms Cecilia Warren (IAG)

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