David Ashmore

Adjunct Research Fellow
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Dr David Ashmore is a Adjunct Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI). He is also a senior associate at the TSA consultancy, that provides strategic commercial transport advisory service to the Australian and NZ East Asia (ANZSEA) region. He has international commercial and research experience in hydrogen fueled logistics, and mobilities.

Dr Ashmore has a lengthy track record of working in, or with, academic institutions, either in pure research or at the academic-industry interface. Within industry, he has held senior positions in commercial advisory (Sydney, Auckland, Cape Town, Delhi, London) and the civil service (Auckland).

Dr Ashmore has advised governments on transport policy in Australasia, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa, he has a broad and varied international network across R&D, consulting, government, operators, and manufacturers.